Getting into Spring Time! (Or Summer for Florida)

So here we are, Spring. Time for a new beginning and for renewal. Ive been really flaky when it comes to writing blogs, its something very new for me. I’m usually the type of person who likes to handwrite my thoughts and feelings, to feel myself physically pour out my emotions on the page. Or it could just be that I sit in from of a screen for my day job and it makes me not want to sit any longer than I have to! It was the latter that made me realize that, this year, 2023, I really needed to make a change. I know I love photography, and I want to take that career full time. I love working with people, I love making people laugh and catching off guard moments, and I really love capturing a person’s essence, who they really are.

That’s one reason I started reaching out to my model friends again. I hadn’t really done a fun shoot in quite some time, (since before covid) and I wanted to start doing that again, not only to get my own creative juices flowing again, but to also help inspire myself to truly start doing the things that I had been neglecting to truly take my skills and business to new heights. The first fun shoot I did this year was with my friend and local singing artist, Kimberly Shead. We have long had a rapport with each other due to the various photography meet and greets we had attended, so I felt comfortable asking her to model for me. The location for this session was at the beautiful Twin Oaks Conservation area in Kissimmee, FL. I knew I wanted to do something that invoked a spring vibe, but didn’t want to use a field full of flowers, so Twin Oaks was perfect. That day was deceptively windy, as the earlier part of the day there was very little breeze, but of course, when we got there and I set up my giant soft box, the wind decided to pick up right there! (this is why you hire an assistant!) But the shoot overall went well and we got a variety of looks and different locations, as seen below:

Suffice it to say, I love the results, and I’ve been reinvigorated to do all that I can to improve my craft as well as by business, and it starts with forging (and reforging) connections with people that I have neglected for too long. 2023, this is the year for Star Moment Photography to shine!